
Owner Login


Owners Lounge

Click here to reserve the lounge


Owners or their agent may reserve the owners lounge up to 12 months in advance. Association business meetings take priority over all other activities.

General Considerations:

  • Any damage will be charged to the unit Owner or approved Group.
  • Folding tables, chairs, and other items may not be stacked against the wall.
  • Decorations will not be attached to walls or ceilings without permission of the manager. Any damage to wall or ceiling as a result of decorations will be charged to the unit Owner/approved Group.
  • The Owner/approved Group will be responsible for all clean up and trash removal within 12 hours or prior to the next function which ever is soonest.
  • Speakers and wiring will not be attached to the ceiling or walls. Owner/approved Group will be responsible for safety and will not pose any trip/slip hazard.
  • No flammable decorations or flaming products to be used on the premises.
  • Any intoxicated persons will be asked to leave the facility. Local police may be called to enforce this action if the well being of others is in question.
  • If Alcohol is served, Owner/approved Group will supervise and be held accountable for actions of their guest.
  • The Summit Corporations shall be held harmless for any and all actions of Owners/approved Group and their guest.
  • There will be NO PROFIT for activity on property without management permission.
  • Management must first approve of any function where Karaoke OR Disk Jockey takes place.
  • Owners may still use the billiard room while other functions are being held.